North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society
Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting October 24, 2002
Country Inn & Green Mill Restaurant
Woodbury, MN

Jeff Brunette, Greg Smith, Dan McGrane, Irene Patrek, Janet Silsby, Brian Vetter, Tim Donakowski, Gary Yarrow, Dr. Ken Kase.
Note: A copy of the executive meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.


  1. Called to order at 7:20 P. M. by President Greg Smith.
    April 4, 2002 Executive Council Meeting minutes were reviewed. Minor changes were noted and corrected following the meeting. The minutes were approved.
  2. Dan McGrane presented the Secretary-Treasurer's report. It was accepted and approved.
    Checkbook balance: $3,678.81
    Money Market fund: $14, 583.82
    Total balance: $18, 26.63
    100% of the total membership dues for 2002 were received by July 26, 02. This amounts to over $1100.00 in income. Budget items that appear to be constant are the $500.00 Science Teacher Award, the travel stipend of $300.00, the $500.00 Wissink memorial speaker expense and around $800.00 per meetings.
  3. The Affiliate coordinator's report, prepared by Mike Lewandowski, was presented by Dan McGrane.. There are 19 affiliates members. Technical Associates became an approved affiliate since the spring meeting. Fall meeting sponsors are; ICN represented by Tom Chwierut, Thermo Electron represented by Nelson Chiu and F & J Specialty Products who provided literature. ICN and Thermo Electron sponsored at $150 level while F & J sponsored at the $100.00 level. A copy of the Affiliate Member Report is on file with the secretary/treasurer. With the increasing use of electronic communication and computers to keep track of membership dues the collection of affiliate dues will be moved back to late fall so they coincide with the calendar year. One action item (see new business #5) was addressed and approved.
  4. The spring meeting program received four Continuing Education Credits. The ABHP course number is 2002-04-001. Brian Vetter has the letter and information on file. Brian will apply for fall meeting CE credits.
  5. 3M Corporate Health Physics is hosting the fall meeting at the 3M Tartan Park facility in Lake Elmo. Brian Vetter reviewed the slate of speakers on the meeting agenda. The meeting begins at 8:00 with registration and runs until 3:30 PM. Janet Silsbey will do the Newsletter write up for the Tartan Park meeting.
  6. John Cameron and Chuck Roessler will be recognized at tomorrow's business meeting for winning the Fellows and Founders Awards respectively.

Old Business:

  1. The Science and Education Committee reviewed two applicants for the Science Teacher Award. The award recipient is Louis C. Grosberg of Apollo High School, St. Cloud, MN. The science department of Mr. Grosberg's school will receive a $500.00 check and he will be invited to attend our spring meeting. His name will also be submitted to the HPS for nomination for the National Award. Work on organizing Science Teacher Workshops is proceeding. Contact with local science teacher organizations has improved. Our last speaker tomorrow is Clark Erickson of the Minnesota Science Teacher Association.
  2. Ken Kerns, who could not make the meeting, will provide a homeland security update at the spring meeting.

New Business:

  1. Gen Roessler has suggested the nomination of Richard Vetter for national HPS Founders awards. The executive council approved the nomination and will work with Gen on the submission.
  2. The executive council approved six new individual memberships and one affiliate memberships received in the last six months. The new members are; Christopher Kessler, Marshfield Clinic, Andrea Little, U of M, James McCloskey, Minnesota DPS, David Paulu, U of M, Cheryl Rogers, Wisconsin DHFS and Glenn Sturchio, Mayo Clinic. The new affiliate is Technical Associates.
  3. There were no changes in committee assignments.
  4. The executive council unanimously approved of Greg Smith's selection for chapter award, Brother Jerome Rademacher. The award will be presented at the business meeting.
  5. The council reviewed and discussed the following action item from the Affiliate Report. "Following the spring meeting the meeting attendance list was sent to a sponsoring member (Teletrix) who requested the attendance list. The Executive Council should provide direction on this practice." Following a discussion the council unanimously approved the following. Upon request, the meeting attendance list can be given to affiliate members and chapter members.
  6. Ken Kerns volunteered to host the spring meeting at Ames, IA.
  7. Greg initiated a discussion regarding chapter and national officer position, (e.g. president, treasurer, board members and committees) and the need for members to step forward and run for these offices. He will also bring this up at the business meeting.

Other Business:

  1. Dr. Ken Kase gave us an overview of his talk. His initiatives include: improvements to the national/chapters website (Our website is healthy and well run but others are real weak), improvements to national education programs in various Health Physics disciplines, to have chapters reach out and meet with similar organizations such as ANS, AAPM and others and to encourage HPS members to run for national offices.
  2. Jan Braun will speak during the business meeting about the HPS venues committee and our willingness to host another national convention in 08,09 or 10.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer


NCCHPS Executive Council Meeting Agenda
24 October 2002, 6:00 pm
Green Mill Restaurant
Country Inn
6003 Hudson Rd
Woodbury, MN 55125

1. Call to order
2. Approve agenda
3. Review minutes of 04 April 2002 meeting.
4. Secretary/Treasurer Report
5. Affiliate Coordinator Report
6. CEC update
NCCHPS Spring 2002 Meeting, 4 CECs, course 2002-04-001
7. Fall Meeting details

Old Business

1. Science & Education Committee update
2. Homeland Security Committee update

New Business

1. New member applications
2. Teacher workshop
3. Chapter Award
4. Spring meeting location
5. Nominations for Chapter officers
6. Other